The Ultimate LED Navigation Lights
Lopolight proudly presents a complete Control & Monitoring solution for vessels of all sizes. The system is compact and flexible, built and configured specifically to customer specifications.
Scalable from 3 to 28 Nav lights
User customized switch panel IP67 protection
Integration to integrated bridge systems
Automatic switch over to emergency light or power
Plug and play integration with all Lopolight Nav lights
Compact form factor
Conforms to IMO MSC253 and type approved to IEC60945
Available with single or dual power supplies, in 24VDC, 115VAC, 230VAC versions
Links & Downloads
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Since the start of the LED revolution in the early 00’s Danish company Lopolight has been supplying LED navigation lights to sailors around the world with the promise of ‘fit ‘n forget’.
Today Lopolight is firmly established as a leader within navigational lighting worldwide, with both the products and the company matured and robust, and stand ready to service your every need within this sector.